Thursday, September 2, 2010

Curves and Men who Love Them!

We hear all the time that we need to “Embrace your curves, Love every part of your body and just love yourself”, which is true! You should always love yourself first, because if you don’t how do you expect any man too. This is not that kind of article. This article is dedicated to the men who love curvy, shapely, women with meat on their bones and The curves they love.
My Grandmother was from the South. Arkansas to be exact. She always to told me “I love your big pretty legs”. Now I wasn’t the chunky one in the family then. I just had nice thick legs. One day I asked my Grandmother “Why do you like my legs they are too thick?” She said “Dogs don’t want anything, but a bone” and she did everything in power not to make me “skin and bones” she accomplished because I love chicken. It was so funny. She was beautiful and slim, but she grew up in an era where men look for Georgia peaches.
(I’ve read an interesting article that made my grandmothers era still in existence today.) The article says “It is already known that curvaceous women live longer and that men find them more attractive but the new research suggests that they are also cleverer.”(sic)And “that men who admire women with hourglass figures do so because they are more intelligent and therefore produce more intelligent children”. So I guess there is some sanity to my Grandmother’s madness!
The article also says “that a woman's hips and thighs contained omega-3 fatty acids, which help nurture both mother and baby's brains during pregnancy” and “"Shapely hips and thighs hold essential nutrients that nurse brains and could produce smart kids, too," said one researcher, Steven Gaulin, of the University of California at Santa Barbara.

(Quotes from random men)

Anonymous Man:
“What it boils down to ladies is that no matter what men like or say we absolutely adore plus size women and everything about you. Until you believe for yourself that you are beautiful on the inside first, then no matter what size you are you will not like what you see in the mirror. Men although we are visual creatures and like a woman with more meat on her bones be sure that you get past the outer surface to get to know the woman within so she does not feel that her size is the only reason you are interested.”

Curviness defines a female body. But having said that, I would like to make one thing clear; men lust for hourglass figure in women. Remember, I used the word lust and not love. Lust because men associate curviness with sex. When it comes to true love, things are very different.
Mr. Right:
“I can’t stand skinny women. Give me a gal with some meat on her bones any ol' day!”
“Women with curves make my junk bark. There is something so shockingly vulnerable, feminine, and grounded about a woman with back, hips, a lil’ paunch.”
“It’s nothing like trying to tame an Beautiful over confident Voluptuous women in the bedroom”
The Dude:
“There's this girl in town who seriously could pass for Nicole Richie's twin, and most of my friends think she's hot and i'm just like WTF!? Curves are wayyyyyyyy better and their better for lovin' too if you know what I mean.”
David R.
“It’s something about putting my hands around a women’s waist and how her curves just fit in my arms.”

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this! YES! I embrace my curves. There was a time in my life where I didn't know how to love my body that God has blessed me with and no matter what guys told me I just didnt like it so what they said didnt matter. Now I LOVE it! I will never be a skinny girl so what is the point in starving myself. I love this post!
